Ineke Steinhauer
Technical secretary
The new Environmental Framework Law (7 May 2020) establishes the legal framework for ESIA and SEA. Before the Law came into force, the National Institute for Environment and Development (NIMOS) had issued guidance on ESIA, and been tasked with review of ESIA reports. NIMOS also advises on the screening decision and scope of ESIAs. Under the new Law, the new name of NIMOS will be NMA (National Environmental Authority). Currently (Jan. ’21) NMA is working on the EIA Decree (criteria and procedures) 2021 and the Decree on the EIA screening list) 2021.
The ESIA guidelines suggest the following steps of the ESIA process:
Important documents of the ESIA process as suggested by the ESIA guidelines are: Starting document (Screening), Terms of Reference (Scoping), ESIA report, review report, response letter of NIMOS/NMA on license application.
Environmental Assessment Guidelines; volume I; 2009.
Click on a process step to learn more
Screening process
The non-binding ESIA guidelines provide for screening. NIMOS/NMA decides on the need for an ESIA.
The proponent submits an application with general information on the project to the permitting agency, who sends the documents to NIMOS/NMA for an advice on the need for an ESIA. NIMOS/NMA uses the screening guidelines (Annex 1 of the ESIA guidance) and the screening list (Annex 2 of the ESIA guidelines) to decide on screening. Annex 1 provides a screening process consisting of several steps and a checklist to identify impacts. The outcomes of screening is that the activity is categorised into one of the categories listed in Annex 2. These are :
In case an ESIA is needed (Category A or B), this is announced in the media. When an ESIA is not requested for a Category B project, this is also published in the media. The pubic may appeal this decision.
Sensitive areas
The screening checklist includes (under characteristics of the proposed area) a check on whether the project will affect any areas that are protected by legislation and/or have unique natural features.
Contents of the starting document
The information submitted with the application for a permit should contain:
Timeline Screening
NIMOS/NMA takes 14 working days between submission of the starting document and the screening decision.
Scoping process
The voluntary ESIA guidelines give provisions for scoping.
After NIMOS/NMA has decided that an ESIA is needed, the proponent is required to publish an announcement stating the intent to undertake the project, according to the ESIA guidelines. This may be accompanied with announcements of public consultations: where the public can make comments on issues that they would like to see addressed in the ESIA. The proponent organises this consultation. In the scoping phase, the proponent also proposes a Terms of Reference (ToR) to NIMOS/NMA. Annex 6 of the ESIA guidelines provide instructions for scoping (including a checklist). After assessing the ToR, NIMOS/NMA issues project specific guidelines for the content of the ESIA report. NIMOS/NMA may consult other authorities in setting the guidelines.
EA guidelines, 2009. Volume 1Contents of the scoping document
The ToR can be considered the scoping document in this system. The ESIA guidelines do not set out the content of the ToR, but do indicate which issues need to be considered when drawing up this ToR (in Annex 6 of the guideline). These guidelines have been developed to assist the applicant in determining the scope of the project, the scope of the assessment and to assist NIMOS/NMA in determining the sufficiency of the TOR.
Timeline scoping
No timeline is specified for scoping.
Assessment process
The ESIA guidelines state that the ESIA should cover both social and environmental effects. The ESIA must be undertaken in accordance with the ToR approved by NIMOSNMA. Upon completion of the ESIA, the project proponent must submit the following documents to NIMOS/NMA: An executive summary of the ESIA (also translated into Dutch), five hard copies of the ESIA and one digital version of the ESIA.
The guidelines do not prescribe a specific method for assessment. Review criteria for the ESIA report, as given in the Annex 10 do provide some suggestions on how to decide if a method is appropriate.
EA guidelines, 2009
Contents of the ESIA report
The recommended structure for the ESIA report is:
Accreditation of consultants
There is no accreditation system for consultants who deliver services in ESIA report preparation. However the new Environmental Framework Law stipulates that consultants need to have at least a BSC degree and 5 years of work experience in their specific areas of expertise.
Review process
Annex 8 of the ESIA guidelines describes the review process. NIMOS/NMA is responsible for undertaking ESIA review. After receiving the ESIA report from the proponent, NIMOS/NMA conducts a quick compliance check using a checklist and the project specific guidelines/ToR. NIMOS/NMA may request additional information.
Once the ESIA report is considered complete, NIMOS/NMA uses a Technical Circulation Checklist to determine which governmental agencies should receive the report with an invitation to submit comments.
The executive summary of the ESIA report is sent to potentially affected people. The public (all) may comment on it.
For the more in-depth review, the review team that NIMOS/NMA sets up, evaluates the ESIA report against the checklist in Annex 10 (with an explanation in Annex 11) of the guidelines, and draws up a review report. The Review Report contains a project impact management summary table. This table compares the project action-potential impact-proposed mitigation measures-proposed monitoring plan and makes additional recommendations. The report conclusions include:
Based on the review report, NIMOS/NMA drafts a response on the license application. This response letter of NIMOS/NMA should consolidate all technical review opinions.
Environmental Assessment Guidelines; volume I; generic, 2009, Annex 10 and 11.
Review expertise
As indicated in the guidelines, checks include consultation with relevant government staff and the composition of a multidisciplinary team to undertake the review. NIMOS/NMA can decide to contract external expertise to assist the team. In the course of the review, NIMOS/NMA may organize a closed meeting with other government officials to discuss conflicting opinions.
Timeline Review
The timeline is not specified. In practice it varies, a review can take between 60 and 135 working days. Following submission of the Draft ESIA Report, the project proponent is required to publish a public announcement that the ESIA is available for review by the public. The announcement must be published in two national daily newspapers and include information on where and how the ESIA documents can be accessed. The general public then has between 30 and 90 days, depending on the complexity of the project and level of public interest, to submit written comments to NIMOS/NMA. NIMOS/NMA may decide that a public meeting is required to gather any comments if there is sufficient public interest in the ESIA.
Following conclusion of the 30 to 90 day public commenting period, NIMOS/NMA has a further 30 working days to study the Draft ESIA Report and indicate to the project proponent whether additional information is required.
Should NIMOS/NMA require the Draft ESIA Report to be updated, the project proponent will update the ESIA Report to meet NIMOS’s/NMA’s requirements and shall submit a Final ESIA Report to NIMOS/NMA for final review and approval. NIMOS/NMA has 30 working days to review the Final ESIA Report.
NIMOS Final ESIA Block 54, Offshore Suriname, Tullow Oil 2017
Integration of ESIA into decision-making
The ESIA guidelines state that before any permit will be issued, NIMOS/NMA will receive the application for the permit and will submit a binding advice to the licensing agency both on approval/rejection of the project and on any environmental conditions that should be attached to this decision (e.g. by a sector ministry). For projects that NIMOS/NMA considers to require an ESIA, NIMOS/NMA will give advice on the project only after approval of the ESIA. Any conditions NIMOS/NMA advises can then be based on the ESIA outcomes.
The environmental advice from NIMOS/NMA will be classified into one of the following categories:
Decision justification
Apart from the information on the quality, accuracy and completeness of the ESIA study it is suggested that the ESIA review team responsible for the review, also reports on the justification of the approval (or denial) of the project. The binding advice from NIMOS/NMA is based on the Review Report and compiled into a letter for the decision-maker or the permitting agency.
Publication of the decision is the responsibility of the permitting agency.
EA Guidelines, 2009
Timeline decision-making
Not specified in the guidelines, responsibility of the permitting agency.
Possibilities for appeal
There are possibilities for appeal within the ESIA process, as set out in Annex 5 of the ESIA guidelines. Appeal must be made within 30 days of decision-making and is directed to the Minister for Environment. A hearing will be held on the appeal. The National Environmental Council advises to the minister on the appeal decision. The decision is provided within 30 days.
The public may appeal the screening decision or it may appeal the final ESIA review decision.
Anyone can make an appeal: government agencies, the proponent and the public.
EA guidelines, Annex 5, 2009
Compliance monitoring
According to the ESIA guidelines, monitoring of environmental conditions is a requirement. The proponent submits a monitoring plan and environmental management plan with the ESIA report. Annex 12 of the EIA guidelines gives extensive instructions for developing an environmental management system and plan. The guidelines state that the proponent is obliged to implement the proposed plan. The proponent also needs to conduct mandatory monitoring if it is required as an outcome of the ESIA.
According to the guidelines, NIMOS/NMA and the permitting agency review the monitoring results and post-decision evaluation every year, taking into account the implementation of the Environmental Management Plan. On the basis of the monitoring results, the permitting agency and NIMOS/NMA may require additional mitigation measures and/or requirements to the permit.
Environmental Assessment Guidelines; volume I; generic, 2009
Non-compliance penalties
No information specifically for ESIA. The Environmental Framework Law however contains extensive information on penalties in relation to e.g. environmental offenses.
Public participation requirements for ESIA process stages
The ESIA guidelines set out requirements for public participation. Its importance during the scoping and review phases is highlighted.
The requirements for public participation as stated in the ESIA guidelines include dissemination of information and the organisation of a public hearing. The guidelines further suggest that NIMOS/NMA take a facilitating role, in receiving public comments and ensuring the proponent addresses these.
The public may make comments, both verbally and in writing, regarding issues to be addressed in the ESIA when the screening decision is published, and may later comment during the scoping phase and on the conclusions from the ESIA report.
Optional: Prior to formal Public Hearings, smaller community-based meetings can be held at which local residents and other interested parties will be given the opportunity to discuss their concerns in the presence of NIMOS/NMA and representatives of the proponent (including the study team). Also in attendance will be spokespersons for government agencies and research establishments who also make representations to the ESIA if needed.
EA guidelines, 2009Timeline for public comments
Not specified, also depends on whether or not a public hearing will be held.
During review, the general public has between 30 and 90 days, depending on the complexity of the project and level of public interest, to submit written comments to NIMOS/NMA.
Access to information
NIMOS uses different communication and public participation mechanisms, as follows:
A summary of the ESIA study, in non-technical language, will be required; this will be accessible at various easy-to-access locations, in the region where the project is proposed to be developed;
During the review process, information regarding the major positive and negative impacts of the project, and the proposed mitigation measures will be disclosed in the media, via radio, newspapers and television by the proponent; full (complete) ESIA available at NIMOS/NMA.