
Workshop ESIA and mining in areas with high biodiversity value - Guinea

Project details





Activity type

Capacity development

Last modified

10 December 2024

Guinea is a country rich in biodiversity and other natural resources. This includes parks and reserves as well as mineral deposits. The status of biodiversity in the region is however severely threatened, according to the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. One of the challenges is the development of mining projects near areas of high biodiversity. ESIAs are a tool for avoiding or minimising the negative impacts of such projects. ESIAs can also help to realise potential positive impacts.  

Significant details

An example of a mining project near an area of high biodiversity is the Bankan gold project in the centre of Guinea. The project is located in the outer buffer zone of Parc national du Haut-Niger (the Upper-Niger national park). Mamou Ressources, a subsidiary of the Australian exploration company Predictive Discovery, is in the process of finalising the ESIA for the project in order to obtain an environmental permit. Together with AGEE, the ESIA agency of Guinea, the NCEA organised a training to help AGEE prepare the review of the upcoming ESIA. 

Parties involved

Members of the working group

Technical secretary

ir. Joyce Kortlandt