Independent review

At the request of a government authority, we give independent advice about the scope or the quality of environmental impact assessment reports and processes. You can involve us at various stages of the impact assessment to review the soundness and completeness of the assessment report and the process followed.

What does the NCEA look for in a review?

  • Information: does the process or report deliver all information needed for decision making, such as impacts, alternative options, mitigation measures and impact management measures?
  • Dialogue: does the process engage affected stakeholders in a timely, transparent and inclusive way?
  • Influence: does the process address relevant issues and provide usable inputs for decision makers? Is this done at the right time?  Can decision makers be held accountable for their use of the assessment outcomes?

Working group

Each review requires specific expertise, depending on the project or plan being assessed. Therefore, we compose a tailor-made working group for each review. The NCEA delivers the chair and a technical secretary for this working group. The chair is responsible for contacts with the competent authorities and a well-balanced advice. The technical secretary is appointed to coordinate the activities of the working group and to draft the advice based on the input of the expert members.
The members of the working group together cover the relevant fields of expertise for the project in question. For this purpose, the NCEA has access to a large pool of international experts. Experts selected have no stake in the project concerned.

Four people in working cloths looking outside a window, inspecting a mine

“The support of the NCEA was very useful. They were able to provide excellent comments to our environmental impact assessment reports.”