Victoria Falls, Zambia / by Joachim Huber / CC BY-SA 2.0 ||a href=

Shared Resources - Joint Solutions (SRJS)

Project details



Activity type

Capacity development

Last modified

06 December 2022

IUCN-NL and WWF-NL work together in a Dutch-funded Strategic Partnership called SRJS: Shared Resources - Joint Solutions (2017-2020). The ESIA/SEA process, bringing together various stakeholders, may be instrumental in implementing the multi-stakeholder landscape approach that is being promoted by SRJS.

Significant details

The programme facilitates dialogues between CSOs, government and private sector parties. To realise this potential, CSOs need to be trained and assisted to play their role in the integrated impact assessment, decision-making and implementation monitoring processes. 

To this end, the NCEA has entered into a cooperation agreement with SRJS in order to develop joint capacity-building programmes in a number of landscapes in countries and regions around the world and cooperate on further ESIA/SEA related activities within the SRJS programme. A MoU was signed with both IUCN-NL and WWF-NL to formalise the cooperation.

Countries involved

The SRJS programme is active in DGIS focus countries, in which the NCEA shoulders its own activities. These include: Benin (note: phasing out as focus country), Burkina Faso, Ghana (phasing out), Indonesia, Mozambique (scaling down), Uganda.

The NCEA's involvement in non-focus countries is shouldered by SRJS. These countries/regions include: Bolivia/Paraguay, Brazil, Suriname/Guyana, Madagascar, Philippines, Tanzania, Zambia.

Whether the NCEA becomes involved in SRJS in a country depends on the need to work with ESIA or SEA and is upon request of SRJS only.

The SRJS programme ended in 2020.

Parties involved

Members of the working group

Technical secretary

drs. Gwen van Boven