Ineke Steinhauer
Technical secretary
The NCEA assisted the Norwegian Environmental Agency in facilitating a training on environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) in Uganda. The training took place in the last week of March 2017 and focused on skills for reviewing ESIA, specifically for field development and associated projects in the petroleum sector in the Albertine Graben area.
Projects in the petroleum sector often have a variety of environmental and social effects. These effects are addressed in ESIAs. To judge whether or not all effects have sufficiently been taken into account in the ESIA, the ESIA reviewers need specific expertise. For this reason, at the request of the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) the NCEA organised a workshop for 16 representatives of environmental institutions in Uganda. The workshop aimed to develop their capacity in technical review of ESIAs for petroleum projects. Presentations were given by the NCEA and the National Environmental Agency of Norway, and participants did review assignments based on ESIA reports from the petroleum sector.