Advisory review: EIA for Urirama windpark

Project details





Activity type

ESIA/SEA advice


Energy (renewable), environmental assessment, Wind energy

Last modified

23 February 2021

The NCEA was asked to review the EIA for the Urirama windpark in Aruba in 2012. It concluded that the EIA is of sufficient quality to allow integration of health aspects into decision-making on the project.

Significant details

Some main conclusions of the NCEA's advisory report (which is in Dutch) are:

  • The EIA provides a good description of the proposed activity, apart from minor imperfections in the description of noise effects;
  • It is advisable to investigate possibilities to make adaptations in the project if stakeholders experience negative effects when the windpark is already in use;
  • The EIA does not describe alternative locations; reasons for this are provided in the EIA but more information on the local situation would be required to judge their validity.

Advisory reports and other documents

08 Nov 2012: Advisory review

Parties involved

Members of the working group


drs. Leni van Rijn-Vellekoop

Technical secretary

dr. Bobbi Schijf