ESIA Lac Nokoué Dredging Project - Benin

Project details





Activity type

ESIA/SEA advice

Last modified

27 August 2024

After completion of the Plan de Aménagement et Réhabilitation du Lac Nokoué et la Lagune de Porto Novo (ARPN) and its SEA, Invest International aims to finance a 'backbone' project, ARPN-1, which aims to dredge some transport channels and use the materials to create ecological islands. 

Significant details

Invest International and ADELAC engaged in developing a strategic plan and SEA for the development and rehabilitation of the Lac Nokoué region.This strategic plan (the Aménagement et Réhabilitation du Lac Nokoué et la Lagune de Porto Novo, ARNP) was adopted in June 2023.

The ARNP foresees in a package of investment options worth in total 600 million euros. These projects aim to tackle sedimentation, reduce pollution and invasive plant species, remove illegal fishing activities (the acadjas), improve transport over water, improve ecological values, and promote eco-tourism.

Invest international will finance a so-called ‘backbone’ project, ANRP-1, which aims to:

  • Create ecological zones to start the ecological rehabilitation process;
  • Conduct large scale dredging related to the transport route to address the problem of filling water bodies;
  • Deepen water bodies to initiate the process of self-purification and thus improving water quality.
  • Remove acadjas that are on the locations of the water route, the islands and the lake ports;
  • Redevelop the lake banks.
  • In July 2024, the NCEA screened the project proposal on ESIA requirements. 

    Parties involved

    Members of the working group

    Technical secretary

    Stephen Teeuwen