
Advice: environmental aspects of sugar production - Tanzania

Project details





Activity type

ESIA/SEA advice


Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Food security, Health, Industry, Land use planning

Last modified

12 April 2019

The NCEA issued an advice to describe the expected environmental aspects of sugar production in four Tanzanian companies. It also provided recommendations on how to manage expected negative consequences. In general, no adverse effects were expected apart from effects of the use of a harmful pesticide.

Significant details

The objective of the advice of the Commission was: (i) to identify and assess (potential) environmental problems (including health) with respect to production and processing of sugar cane and: (ii) to advise on viable and affordable measures to improve environmental and health conditions.
The Commission is of the opinion that present sugar production at Tanganyika Planting Company (TPC), Kilombero I and II and Mtibwa will not result in unacceptable environmental problems within and/or outside the boundaries of the estate. For the near future it is not expected that unacceptable serious environmental problems will occur. There is one exception to this general conclusion: at TPC use is made of an internationally banned pesticide that may result in pollution of groundwater and surface water and can affect the health of people who apply it. It is recommended that use of this pesticide be stopped. The Commission recommended the development of an environmental management, health and safety plan for each company. The Commission’s advice was not used in the negotiations between the PSRC and the new company owners. In 1998 Kilombero l and ll and Mtibwa were privatized.

Advisory reports and other documents

14 Jul 1998: Other

Parties involved

Members of the working group

ir. Johannes Gijsbertus van Alphen


Jane Andrew Nyanjuma Kibbassa


ir. Roland Vincent Siemons


mr. Jan-Willem Kroon

Technical secretary

dr. Arend Kolhoff


Tanzanian Authorities

Competent authority

Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs