Sibout Nooteboom
Technical secretary
The Agence Béninoise pour l’Environnement (ABE) requested the NCEA to advise about the scope of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the new deep sea port Sèmè-Podji.
A NCEA working group visited Benin in June 2015. The Pétrolin Group was developer of this new deepwater port at Sèmè-Kpodji, Benin. The Benin Environment Agency (ABE) is responsible for overseeing that procedure and for the project’s environmental certification, has asked the Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) to advice about the scope of the ESIA report. (Later the same working group adviced about the review once the ESIA report was finished). The port was to be located 10 km east of Cotonou, and to form part of the infrastructure network that connects west African countries to the rest of the world. Recommendations included the environmental and social management, safety management, and the lay-out of port facilities. During its visit, the NCEA working group informally inspected the existing port of Cotonou upon invitation by the port authorities. It also presented the case of Rotterdam port at a seminar about sustainable port development.