327-i. Comments: draft SEA report for National Spatial Plan - Montenegro

The NCEA provided preliminary comments on an Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the National Spatial Plan of Montenegro.

Rapports consultatifs et autres documents

29 nov 2006: Other
Memorandum by the NCEA

Détails significatifs

The NCEA was asked by the World Bank to comment on a draft SEA report prepared for Montenegro's National Spatial Plan.

Due to a short timeframe and lack of information available, the NCEA could only give preliminary comments. It did so in an advice of the secretariat. Comments were fairly critical, and included comments on:

  • Approach
  • Structure and scope
  • Interaction between plan elements
  • Mapping
  • Methodology
  • Relation between SEA and National Spatial Plan
  • Recommendations

Apart from these general comments, detailed comments were provided on various articles. Observations on an SEA pilot review workshop are also included.

Parties concernées

Membres du groupe de travail

Secrétaire technique: Ineke Steinhauer

Plus de détails

Pays: Montenegro

Mise à jour: 28 mai 2019