
In its preamble, the Central Africa Republic Constitution places the rigorous and transparent management of the environment as an important condition for sustainable development. Article 9 of the Constitution guarantees every citizen the right to a healthy environment (Act No. 04392 of December 2004, amended in 2010). Environmental protection and management is currently governed through its Environmental Code adopted in December 2007 (Law No. 07.018). Principles put forward in this law are a.o: (i) the integration of environmental protection and improvement into all development projects; (ii) taking into account environmental and sustainable development considerations into political plans and: (iii) participation and access to environmental information.   

It is this law that is currently the base of the principle of the environmental assessment. Enabling decrees, ministerial orders and guidelines are still awaited.

NGOs, consulting firms and national professional associations exist and participate in environmental impact studies. People or their representatives are part of the process of decision making on the implementation of projects, through consultations and public hearings.


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Webpages | 05-11-2012

Annual meeting SEEAC 2012

Bangui, Central African Republic – 5-9 November 2012 – The annual meeting of the national associations for environmental assessment in…