In 2016, public authorities requested more advisory reports than in 2015, thereby ending the downward trend seen in previous years. The pilot projects in which we explore how environmental assessment offers optimal support when making choices in environmental planning strategies are promising and have been enthusiastically received. In addition to climate change and health in environmental assessment, extra attention was paid to the link between environmental assessment and participation.
At the end of 2016, the results of our collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were independently evaluated. We are proud to say that the conclusions were favourable. Within the collaboration, our support to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency is becoming more important. We are working together with them to achieve good-quality environmental assessment reports for Dutch investments in developing countries.
A selection of our projects and activities is presented in this annual report.
Slight increase in the number of advisory reports by the ncea
Number of advisory reports and themes in the netherlands
In 2016, we issued 159 advisory reports, 44 percent of which were mandatory advisory reviews of environmental assessments, the remainder (56 percent) being non-mandatory advisory reports (for example: at the beginning, on the desired content of an environmental assessment and later, when important choices have to be made). In 2015, we issued a total of 141 advisory reports.
The total number of reviews of environmental assessments rose slightly, suggesting that the downward trend seen in recent years in the number of reviews of environmental assessments has been halted. For the third year in a row, the number of non-mandatory advisory reports rose: from 46 in 2014, to 50 in 2015 and 89 in 2016. The rise is attributable partly to the number of pilot projects in which we are exploring how environmental assessment offers optimal support when making choices in an environmental planning strategy and to other advisory reports on important interim choices, for instance relating to wind farms and high-voltage lines.
We found major shortcomings in 63 percent of the environmental assessment reports we reviewed - a percentage similar to that found in previous years. We remain of the opinion that this percentage is too high. In just under half of these reviews, the competent authorities added the information we requested and resubmitted the report to us for review.
Information on the impacts on Natura2000 areas was often missing, and alternative, more environmentally-friendly solutions were not described. It is striking that in 2016 information on the landscape was lacking, especially for unzoned land.
In 2016, we reviewed twice as many environmental assessment reports of livestock farming, the rural area and wind farms as we did in 2015, whereas the number of reports of residential areas and industrial estates we reviewed was 66 percent less.
Since early 2016 we have been working on ten pilot advisory reports, to gain experience in the procedures required by the Environmental Planning Act, which will probably come into force in 2019. Municipalities and provinces will then be required to prepare environmental planning strategies whose contents differ from those of the present spatial plans and land-use plans and will thereby also affect the content of environmental assessment reports and the NCEA's recommendations. We are already experimenting with this new way of working. In 2016 we advised on pilots in The Hague , Amsterdam, Rijssen-Holten, Terneuzen and Boekel. Haarlemmermeer municipality and the provinces of Friesland and Noord-Brabant will follow in 2017. The video Pilots Omgevingsplannen & MER shows the experiences and results from the pilots from different perspectives. In the coming year, we will share the results of the pilots at informative meetings and on the website.
Achieving the necessary energy transition is a complex task, which - together with other social issues - must result in environmental planning strategies. It demands deliberations at different levels and collaboration with stakeholders such as public authorities, industry, interest groups and residents. Environmental assessment can offer substantive support for this and can also help in consultations with stakeholders and when finding support for measures. We cover this in the factsheet Energietransitie en milieueffectrapportage (Energy transition and environmental assessment) issued in 2016. Last year we also organised a well-attended meeting on this theme. In 2017, we would again like to share with you the knowledge we have acquired and good examples from practice.
In 2016, we again paid attention to health in environmental assessment. Much attention is paid to health from both the administrative and social perspectives, and this is reflected in the place accorded to health in the Environmental Planning Act. We advise taking possible negative public health impacts of plans and projects into account at an early stage. Health can also be beneficially affected by plans and projects: for example, by the creation of green spaces or by stimulating bicycle use. We produced a fact sheet on this: Groen en gezondheid in milieueffectrapportage (Green spaces and health in environmental assessment) and co-organised a meeting on health and area development with the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. Furthermore, since 2016 we have been actively participating in the Maak Ruimte voor Gezondheid (Make Room for Health) network, in which public servants and staff from RIVM, GGD and consultancy firms with expertise on the interface between spatial planning, environment and health can exchange their knowledge.
The Environmental Planning Act was adopted in 2016 and is expected to come into force in 2019. In our reaction to the consultative versions of the Environmental Planning Decree and the Physical Environment (Quality) Decree we advocated maximum deployment of environmental assessment, to support the objectives of the Environmental Planning Act. We also warned that the draft legislation risks weakening environmental assessment.
Our reaction to the proposal for the implementation of the revised environmental assessment guideline for environmental impact assessment included a plea for more attention to be paid to carefully segregating roles when a public authority is the initiator of a proposed scheme and for monitoring and evaluation.
In the run-up to the Environmental Planning Act, the spotlight is on early participation in decision-making. At the same time, the preliminary phase of the environmental assessment procedure has become virtually free-format.
Participation and environmental assessment can reinforce each other, But how can this be achieved? How can the questions and concerns of stakeholders and spokespersons be taken into account in the investigation of environmental impacts? How and when should the information from an environmental assessment be reintroduced into the participation process? We co-organised an informative meeting on these topics with the consultancy firm Korbee & Hovelynck at which it emerged that there is much demand for a practical manual. We therefore produced the factsheet Participatie en milieueffectrapportage (Participation and environmental assessment). In 2017, we are organising more informative events and are presenting an infographic that clearly shows the interaction between the various phases of participation and of environmental assessment.
IMost provinces in Rwanda are not yet experiencing water shortage, but good planning is required because of the high population density and growing economy. Integrated water management has been adopted as a new policy: it must ensure a sustainable and fair distribution of water in the various catchments. The Netherlands is assisting in the creation of the new water plans. For this, a strategic environmental assessment is required, to properly identify the issues that must be considered jointly with the stakeholders in the area. The NCEA is coaching the Rwanda Natural Resources Authority in this procedure.
In 2014, with the prospect of exploration of oil and gas fields looming, the government of Zanzibar realised that their environmental assessment procedures were insufficient to guarantee sustainable exploitation. The NCEA is therefore supporting the Zanzibar's Environmental Management Authority to improve these procedures. In 2016, we focused attention specifically on:
As Sao Tomé is vulnerable for climate change, the local government wants to strengthen existing coastal defences. To make this possible, a project has been developed with support from the Develop2Build (D2B) facility. Under local legislation and in order to meet the IFC Performance Standards, an environmental assessment must be carried out for this project. The NCEA is advising D2B on how this environmental assessment can be optimally integrated into the project development.
Infrastructure is being rapidly developed in China. In order to guarantee sustainable development in the long term, China carries out strategic environmental assessments, and now has much experience in this area. The same is true for the Netherlands, so an exchange of knowledge between the two countries is very valuable. During a recent workshop in Beijing, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment and the NCEA presented the Dutch experiences. The Chinese showed particular interest in the role of environmental assessment when creating integral plans, such as under the Environmental Planning Act.
advisory reports and activities 2016 »
Safeguarding access to safe and sufficient supplies of water is at the heart of Dutch development cooperation. But what if water is scarce and there are competing interests? How can proper consideration be assured in decision-making? Should water for irrigation take precedence over water for hydropower and drinking water supply? Should water go to the rich or the poor? Or can all these be accommodated? Here, environmental assessment, particularly at strategic level, is helpful. In 2016, the NCEA gave advice on decision-making to do with large dams and in relation to plans for integrated water management in, among others, Kenya and Rwanda.
As environmental assessment is important in the quality systems of all development banks and credit insurers in the Netherlands and elsewhere, it is mandatory for all their large projects. Environmental assessment ensures that the environment and social issues are given due attention and that the voices of all those involved are heard. On request, the NCEA assesses the quality of the process and content of environmental assessments and strengthens the environmental assessment capacity of public authorities in countries important to the Netherlands. Sometimes the NCEA also advises on the quality of the quality systems themselves: for example, those of the World Bank and of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
How can we ensure that environmental assessment is used as an important instrument to integrate the repercussions of climate change into decision-making? To answer this question, we produced a publication comprising case studies from around the world. The case studies reveal that environmental assessment contributes to mitigation and adaptation by assessing 1) susceptibility to climate change; 2) whether the project or plan fits into policy on climate; and 3) the climate-robust alternatives.
Why is environmental assessment in developing countries becoming more important for Dutch companies? Because Dutch development cooperation focuses on aid and trade. More funds are being made available for financing private investments that are relevant for development. Companies can submit proposals to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency on their own or jointly with public sector parties. For many of these investments, an environmental assessment is required. At the request of the Agency, the NCEA provides support for this in the form of advice and training.
What do we actually achieve through our work? Can decision-makers make better-informed decisions? Do plans become more sustainable? Are environmental assessment guidelines actually used in practice? These are among the questions addressed in the impact evaluations we carried out in 2016. In general, the conclusions were very positive. In Kenya, in the Tana delta, for example, we recommended an integrated approach for strategic environmental assessment for delta planning. This approach is now being applied in other deltas. But evaluations also reveal what can be better; this enables us to improve our working method.
2 videos
43.495 visitiors
2.970 e-newsletter subscribers
10 publications
45 presentations
40 employees per 31 December 2016;27 in the Netherlands of which15 female and12 male;13 outside the Netherlands of which8 female and5 male;
Experts who participated in NCEA's working groups in 2016 102 in the Netherlands,47 outside the Netherlands
3.240.403 the Netherlands
1.873.525 International-DGIS / Ministry of Foreign Affairs
167.480 International - other
The Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment is an independent advisory body of experts. It provides advisory services and capacity development to national and international governments on the quality of environmental assessment and thereby hopes to contribute to sound decision making. The NCEA's extensive knowledge of environmental assessment is available to everyone.